Women in Christ

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Past Abundance of the Heart

24 Hours

Abigail Lost No Time

About Grace: Some of What I’ve Learned

Anchored on a Rock

And Be Thankful

Anger Is Not The Answer

Answer Me When I Call

An Average Day in August

Apples of Gold

Appreciating the Cup

Are Words and Actions Enough?

The Atoning Sacrifice

Back to Dust

Bearing Fruit

Because I Am a Child of God

Because I Said So!

The Best Thing To Spend On Your Children Is Your Time

Blessed is the Woman

Boast in the Lord

Born Again

Broken Vessels of Clay

But As For Me

By Grace

The Captain

Cast Away Your Hardened Hearts 

Characteristics of Godly Wisdom

A Child's Thought of God 

Children of God


Chosen, Holy, and Dearly Loved

Circle of Mercy

Condemned Already



The Cup

Daily Prayer

Despair or Life--It's Your Choice

Dinah's Spring

Disguising Themselves

Don't Blame God for Bad Things

Double-minded Men

Election Day, A Prayer by Scarlett Stough, November 2, 2004

Empty Your Cup

Enduring Hope

Especially When It Hurts

Ezra 7:10

Facing the Fiery Furnace

Faith and the Garden

The Fervent Prayer of a Righteous Cat Avails Much

Faith and the Garden

The Fervent Prayer of a Righteous Cat Avails Much

Fireproof, a Personal Review

The Forest of Darkness

Forget Not All His Benefits

From the Kitchen Window

Fulfilled (Why I Believe)

Gentle and Humble in Heart

The Gift of God is Eternal Life

The God of All Comfort

God's Call of Grace

God's Challenge

God's Sovereignty vs Free Will

God is Faithful

God Has Raised Up a Judge for Today!

God is a Good Listener

Going to Gethsemane

Greater Works than These

He Never Gives Up

Hear My Voice

Heavenly Calling

The Heavens Declare the Glory of God

Heavy Lifting


House of Mourning


I Go, Sir

I Know God Loves Me…

If I Do Not Wash

If I Were Jarius

"I'm Going to Disneyland"

Imperfect Faith Is Still Faith

In a Mirror

Intercessory Prayer

Is There More than One God in Your Life?

It's About Time

It’s Not What You Know but Who You Know

Jeremiah 31:3

Jesus Believes in Us


Keeping Time

The King is Coming


The Lamb

Led Into the Wilderness

Lessons from the Book of Esther

"Let us purify ourselves..."

Let Your Light Shine

A Living Hope

The LORD is Exalted

The Lord is Good

Love Divine, All Loves Excelling

Love Is Given, Not Earned

Mary of Bethany

Meet Them Where They Are

A Messy Affair

Molded by the Master Potter

More Than a Gold Watch

My God Cares for Me

My Love/Hate Relationship

My Testimony: Why I Believe Jesus is the Son of God

The Neighborhood Angels

A New Hat

New Life

A New Song

No More Sea

Not Just a Sneaker

The Old Windmill

Overflowing With Thankfulness

Parents as Peacemakers

Perfect Love Drives Out Fear

Plant a Garden of Joy

Please Heal My Broken Heart 

Praise and Rejoice in the Lord

Praise the Lord

Pruning for Growth and for Life

Psalm 62:1-8

A Psalm of David

Put on the New Self



Remember Your Creator

Romans 15:17

The Sacrifices of God

Sacrificial Ministry

St. Francis of Assisi Prayer

Sarah Found Her Voice

The Secret of Being Content

Shairp, John Campbell quotation

The Shepherd

Shout Praises to the LORD!

Show it to the Lord

The Simple Faith About The Trustworthiness of God

Singing a New Song


Standing in the Fire

Starting Over

The Stealth Enemy in Your Home

The Story

The Strength of My Life

The Sun Moved Upward, Forward

Taking Up the Yoke

The Test

Thank you, Ruthie


That I May Receive My Sight

There Will Be Scoffers

They Will Tell

Too Many and Enough

Treasures in Heaven

Unity: ‘Works’ for Me

Until the Resurrection

Victory in Christ

Waiting for Him

Waiting for the Wedding

Watching our Father

We Love

Wedding Clothes

What I Wanted

What if mercy...

Where's The Beef

We're Not Turning Back

The Wisdom and Knowledge of God

A Woman of God

Women Using Their Gifts

Women Using Their Gifts (part 2)

The Word

Work for the Night is Coming

Worthy is the Lamb

You Are the Potter

You Got Mail!