Women in Christ

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I have a little pet peeve of some people referring to the “characters in the Bible.” To me it sounds like they are characters in a novel when referred to that way. But they are real people who are written about in the Bible, not a novel. They are as real as you and I. Because of that, we are able to learn from them in very real ways.

Hagar was an Egyptian slave, the handmaiden of Sarah. We don't know if she also believed in the God of Abraham. When she ran away, angry, frightened and pregnant, the angel of the Lord spoke to her. He told her “The LORD Has Heard.” He knew of her misery even though she had not cried out to him. He assured her if she would go back and submit to her mistress he would increase her descendants. Hagar gave a name to the Lord; she said you are “The God Who Sees Me.” God did not need Hagar or her son, Ishmael, to fulfill his promise to Abraham. Yet he saw how she was treated and showed compassion. Sometimes we feel all alone as if no one cares, but our God in heaven sees and cares.

Even if you, or someone you love, don't know God, he sees and hears what is going on in this world. More importantly, the LORD cares. We have numerous examples of real people in the Bible showing us how God knows what is going in their lives. He may not take action in a way we want or in our timing, but He is there and has a plan for all of us to become his children.


Women in Christ

The LORD Has Heard

Sarah was tired of waiting. She had waited into her 80 plus years for God to give her the child he had promised Abraham many years ago. Her solution: ... more

Bible Study Guide

Bible Study Guides

The God Who Sees Me

How do you think Hagar felt about God hearing and seeing her?...more

abundance of the heart

From the Abundance of the Heart

Waiting for Him

Waiting is hard. Hungry children find waiting for their meal an eternity of time, even if it's only 5 or 10 minutes. ...more



Fix Your Thoughts on Jesus

Jesus warned us “In this world you will have trouble.” Our courage to face our troubles comes from faith in Jesus who reminds us “I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). ...more

book cover, Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference?

Book Review

Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference? by Philip Yancey

Philip Yancey is my favorite Christian author. His writing is understandable and easily read. His way of thinking seems similar to mine. He often presents the same questions or doubts about a subject that I have. ...more

I will be glad and rejoice in your love,
    for you saw my affliction
and knew the anguish of my soul.

Psalm 31:7

June 2021,
Volume 20 Issue 05

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