Women in Christ

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Jesus was asked, “Which is the great commandment in the law?”(Matt. 22:36). His answer was the Lord your God was to come before anyone or anything else (Matt. 22:37-38). Anything else is idolatry, which is the focus of the issue this month.

Paul admonishes us Do Not Be Idolaters When we are being tempted, we must Flee From Idolatry Come join us as we examine what idolatry is and how we can flee from it.


Women in Christ

Flee From Idolatry

The very first of the Ten Commandments reminds us that there is one God who delivers from slavery. ... more

Bible Study Guide

Bible Study Guides

Do Not Be Idolaters

How can we be successful in our battle against our natural inclination to create and worship idols?...more

abundance of the heart

From the Abundance of the Heart

The Sacrifices of God

In King David's psalm of repentance, he acknowledged his transgressions were against God. ...more



Growing Idolatry

The very first sin committed in Genesis 3 was of idolatry. Adam and Eve put themselves before God. That has been mankind's biggest sin ever since. We value what we think, more than what God says. ...more

Jesus replied: “ 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment.”

Matthew 22:37-38

December 2021,
Volume 20 Issue 10

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