Women in Christ

"Translation is interpretation," said Kenneth Bailey.1 It is often the case a word from one language does not have an exact corresponding word in another language. Additionally, the word it is translated to may be further distorted by our culture, or our own personal experience. Such is the case with the word 'doubt'.

In our series on the enemies of our faith, this month we look at doubt. In He Who Doubts, Scarlett examines the meaning of the word doubt and how doubt is our enemy.

In our Bible Study Guide this month we examine the ways we can Believe and Not Doubt.

As we go into this new year, may we stand strong to fight the enemies of our faith.

1 Parables of Jesus in Luke (A Middle Eastern Cultural View) [DVD]. Middle Eastern New Testament Studies. Author: Dr. Kenneth Bailey.

Women in Christ

He Who Doubts

Doubt is one of the greatest enemies of our faith, along with fear (topic of the December 2016 issue), discouragement and disobedience (to God). This doubt is not an intellectual doubt; we should have proof or evidence of what we believe is factual or true (Acts 17:11).  ...more

Bible Study Guide

Bible Study Guides

Believe and Not Doubt

What worldly characteristics cause us to waver in our faith?   ...more

abundance of the heart

From the Abundance of the Heart

But As For Me

Psalm 73 was written for everyone who has ever wondered why evil men prosper and why godly people often struggle. The psalmist begins:  ... more



Why Did You Doubt?

Jesus asked Peter, "Why did you doubt?" when Peter started to sink after stepping out of the boat to walk toward Jesus on the surface of the lake. ... more

James 1:5-7

January, 2017,
Volume 16 Issue 01

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