Receiving the Goal

By Scarlett Stough

My son shakes his head about my reading the end of a book first. I don’t really read the end first; I read the beginning of the book; then I read the end. Then I go back to the middle to find answers to the questions that come to mind. He thinks it spoils the story to read the end first. I suppose it could, but so far I haven't regretted it.

I have read the Bible in pretty much the same way except it's taken many years to realize God told us the end from the beginning. I am still looking for the answers to my questions in the middle of God’s story—which is where all of us are now in this generation.

I find comfort and courage in the conclusion of God's purpose for creating mortal people. Jesus warned us we should not fear those who can kill only the body; we should fear the One who can also kill the soul (Matthew 10:28-31). For those who do fear God, he tells us we do not need to be afraid, because we have a value to God.

Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, wrote words of encouragement to believers who were scattered throughout the world, suffering persecution, living a refugee life (1 Peter 1:1-12). He told them the end of their story: "…you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls" (1 Peter 1:9). Wherever they went, they were witnesses to the faith of Jesus the Christ, Savior of the world. They could expect "to share in the glory to be revealed" and to "receive the crown of glory that will never fade away" (1 Peter 5:1, 4).

When we persevere through the troubles of this life, by humbling ourselves to accept God's care and will, by trusting God's care for us, by resisting the enemy, the devil, and by standing firm in the faith, God will restore and strengthen us by his power (1 Peter 5:6-11).

"Peace to all of you who are in Christ" (1 Peter 5:14).

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