These studies do not tell you what the Bible says. The scriptures given direct you to specific topics. The questions are intended to help you focus on the study. No answers are given. You have to read and search the scriptures for the answers. We encourage you to use Bible helps such as concordances and commentaries. However, scholars and theologians often disagree on interpretation and application. The best study help comes from God. Pray. Allow yourself to be honest with your reactions, but don't jump to conclusions. It takes time to read and meditate on all the Bible says on various topics. Feel free to ask questions in your prayers. You will be amazed to discover that God does answer the sincere seeker. You will also be surprised that the Bible may not say what you might think it does on many subjects. Keep a notebook. A loose leaf one would make it possible to add thoughts and additional information as you learn more about different subjects. Welcome to an exciting search.  

Bible Study Guide:

No Greater Love

By Scarlett Stough


To prepare for this Bible study, please read the women in Christ commentary, God is Love.


1. 1 John 4:7-21. How can we know God is love?

2. 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10; Hebrews 12:1-13. How can punishment be an aspect of love? How does justice and punishment work together for good?

3. Psalm 100. How is God's goodness expressed?

4. John 14:5-11. How does Jesus expect us to "see" the Father? How does that apply to people today?

5. John 3:1-21. Possibly the most quoted verse from the New Testament is verse 16, yet, this one verse is often quoted out of context.* How does God express his great love for human beings? Why do so many refuse to return that love?

6. Revelation 2:1-7. As this verse shows, we Christians are sometimes guilty of failing to continue to love God first. In what ways have you seen this happen? What is the remedy?

7. Romans 8:31-39. What does the love of God do for us?

8. Revelation 20:12-15. Why should this final judgment be of concern to a Christian?

9. 1 John 4:17-18. How does God’s love free us from fear?

10. Romans 5:1-11. How can we become more aware of God’s great love for us personally and individually?

*Editor's Note: Belief in this context is more than an intellectual agreement that Jesus is who he claimed to be, the Son of God, Lord and Savior. This belief includes humility toward God, allowing God to transform the believer, enabling the believer to become a "new man," living a new life (James 2:14-24; Romans 8).

Volume 15 Issue 01 | Notes from Nancy | Women in Christ Commentary | Bible Study Guide | Abundance of the Heart | Exhortation | Book Review

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