The earth from space.

The Big Picture

by Nancy Vandemark

Sometimes we can't always see the big picture that God does.

Look at Naomi. She was in a foreign country with all of her blood relatives dead. Things must have looked bleak indeed.

Naomi must have been a good example to Ruth in serving God. She left her own country to follow Naomi back to Israel. I imagine they gathered strength from each other.

Naomi and Ruth were delighted how God helped them out. What they did not realize is the tremendous role they played in the future. Three generations later would come David, a man after God's own heart. From David's line came “the Branch”, our Messiah.

These women would have been strong examples of hope to their family when they told the story of coming to Israel from Moab.

Naomi and Ruth could not imagine the significance their role was in future events. We can not see the future, but we do have hope in the future.

We may go through trials where God does not heal a dying mate or child. Our pain may continue with a chronic disease that God does not heal. Through it all we have our hope in the sovereignty of God. He sees the big picture.

Express that hope no matter what trials you may be going through. You may be affecting generations to come.