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When we are going through our various trials, it is often hard to see beyond them. What is the difference between those who fall prey to discouragement and those who do not? As I read the commentary, where Scarlett points out God's instructions for Moses to encourage Joshua, (Deuteronomy 1:38), I thought back to why Joshua was among those who were soon to go into the Promised Land. Joshua and Caleb were among the twelve who scouted the land (Numbers 13:25- 14:9). Of the twelve that went, they were the only two who encouraged Israel to go forward into the land God had promised them. Why were they so positive? …The land we passed through and explored is exceedingly good. If the LORD is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us. They looked at the wonderful blessings God had promised them. They had faith that no matter how big, dangerous or impossible the obstacles looked, God was greater and would see them through to the other side. Notice that Joshua still needed encouragement. As strong as he was at that time, God knew he would still need encouragement. Each of us can be a person who encourages others, while at another time we need encouragement ourselves. We, too, have a Promised Land that awaits us. We will go through various trials and what seem like insurmountable obstacles blocking our way to the awaiting Promised Land. We must draw our strength from God as Joshua and Caleb did. While we may not get through those trials or around the obstacles the way we would like, God knows what is best for you and the other people in your life. I would like to leave you with quote from C.S. Lewis I sometimes use for a humorous boost in encouragement. "We are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be." ― C.S. Lewis Hang in there! God will see you through this. |
Volume 16 Issue 02 |
Notes from Nancy |
Women in Christ Commentary |
Bible Study Guide |
Abundance of the Heart |
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