pink cone flower

My God Cares for Me

By Nancy Vandemark

I am amazed how God shows, even in little ways, how he cares for me. I have tried through the years to be a relatively good keeper of the physical temple God has blessed me with (1 Corinthians 16:19). But through the years, the giving in to dietary temptations too many times, and with aging the body breaks down. I am blessed to have access to good healthcare. I could see God's hand in the process of taking care of me. But what touched me most was what happened when I returned home.

I bought some cheap little notebooks/journals I bought years ago. I plan to write things down, but don't usually stick to it past more than a page or two. Being the frugal person I am, I do not throw these away, but stick them in a file drawer to use later. I pulled out one of these notebooks to log my food for a while to try and learn what either hurts me or does not cause any problems.

The first page of the notebook from years ago was titled, “Ideas for camping food.” The second page was totally different, nothing to do with camping. It was a Bible verse. I have no idea why I wrote it down the first time. It felt like God was sending a tender hearted message to me.

My body and my heart may grow weak, but God is the strength of my heart and all I need forever.
Psalm 73:26

I thank an all-powerful, omnipotent God for reaching down to His daughter, in her weakness as a physical human being, showing He cares.