Women in Christ

About Us

The publishers aim to trust, worship, and serve God through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit according to our understanding of The Holy Scriptures. We recognize the authority of both the Hebrew Scriptures (The Old Testament) and the Apostolic Writings (The New Testament) as the inspired Word of God.

Our practice is to aim for obedience to the will of God as stated in The Ten Commandments and the teachings of Jesus.

We celebrate the Sabbath on the seventh day from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset and the Biblical festivals observed by the first century church which are listed in Leviticus 23.

We believe that God distributes spiritual gifts among men and women and all races and nationalities; that God expects each believer to develop and use those gifts to benefit others.

We believe that each believer in Christ is responsible to grow in the knowledge and grace of the Lord Jesus and to be convinced in his or her own mind about what to believe and practice.

Individual authors are not necessarily of the same denominational beliefs as the publisher.